Walter visits the vet for a check-up!

Walter has been sneezing and coughing a little bit lately, so I took him to the vet.

The Exotic Animal Hospital of Orlando will see both Fancy and Roof Rats, and Dr. Shuflita worked well with Walter.

At first, Walter wasn’t too happy to be in a strange place, and when she tried to wrap him in a blanket to examine him, he complained loudly and lept to us. But the doctor found that she could easily examine him while he was sitting happily on our shoulder, so this was not a problem. We even managed to weigh him (265 grams.)

Walter getting examined
Walter getting an exam

Fortunately, Walter’s lungs and heart sounded excellent, he had no abdominal masses or tenderness, no visible discharges and the breathing sounds through his nose also sounded pretty good. Her diagnosis was that he might have a minor upper respiratory infection and/or possibly allergies. It was

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