What are dog probiotics, and do they work?
dog probiotics
Dog probiotics are friendly microbes that aid in the digestion of food, make vitamins and boost immunity.

You want to keep your pet healthy and happy and would do anything to ensure that. From daily exercise, vet, and vaccinations to a healthy diet. Add to that probiotic for that additional guard against tummy troubles, it is as good for your pets as for you.

Probiotics are the healthy microbes in our dogs’ digestive systems that perform many critical tasks like absorbing nutrients and helping prevent illness by supporting the immune systems. Stress, dietary changes, or antibiotic use can disrupt this important microbial balance and lead to health issues. Dog probiotics can improve your dog’s digestion and overall health. They can also help prevent gastrointestinal disorders such as diarrhoea, constipation, and bloating.

In this post, we’ll explain what probiotics are, what they do, and some of the benefits of giving them

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