Do Guinea Pigs Fart? – Vet Explains Pets

Guinea pigs make all types of bizarre noises. They can also develop numerous odors, and they are infamous for staying truly goofy animals. One particular issue that Dr. Jess has been given a lot of periods is, do guinea pigs fart? Read through on to locate out if any of those people silly noises or odd smells might be a guinea pig toot.

Guinea pigs do certainly fart. Passing gas is absolutely standard all over the day.

Just like human beings, guinea pigs have to have a way to release gases trapped inside of their digestive tract.

Considering the fact that the digestive tract has just two openings or means for air to get in and for air to go away, air have to come out….. you guessed it, as a fart.

As previously described, farting is a completely typical matter for a guinea pig to do. On the other

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