How to Choose Brand Fonts for Your Small Pet Business

Brand fonts are an important part of any business branding. They can help convey the right message to your audience and make your brand stand out.

Some fonts are more memorable, while others are more readable. Fonts also have different connotations and meanings,  so finding a professional font for your business is essential to creating a successful brand identity. 

person typing on keyboard pin | How to Choose Brand Fonts for Your Small Pet Business

Why Are Fonts Important In Branding? 

While color is one of the most influential elements when it comes to marketing, fonts are the driving force of your brand’s visual personality. When selecting your font, you will want to consider your company values and the message you want to convey.  Every single font has its own personality. Some are classic and timeless while others are edgy and modern.

Making sure that your font is readable and easy to read for all of your customers will help your marketing efforts and convey the

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Volunteer Group Cooks Thanksgiving Feast For 16 Shelter Animals & 30 Feral Cats

Everyone loves a good meal on Thanksgiving, and the dogs and cats at one rescue shelter in Springfield, GA, are no exception. In fact, these furry darlings may appreciate that meal more than we will ever know. Because when you’re searching for your forever home or living in the wild, such a fine meal from kind-hearted animal lovers can be few and far between.

And with that thought in mind, the Guardians of Effingham Animal Rescue got busy in the kitchen whipping up a delicious spread for the rescue animals at the Effingham County Animal Shelter as well as a local feral colony with a colossal clowder of cats.


A Feast for The Furry

The Guardians of Effingham Animal Rescue are celebrating a win this week, with their Thanksgiving Meal for Shelter Pets initiative coming off as “an absolute success,” according to the group’s Facebook page.



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Why Does My Puppy Go Crazy in the Evening?

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You’re sitting on your couch watching TV after a long day at work. Your sweet puppy is sleeping next to you. 

Everything’s peaceful and serene like a picture postcard.

All of a sudden, he takes off like a rocket, running frantically around the room. Like clockwork, he goes crazy in the evening. You’re wondering what happened.

In this article, I’ll explain possible reasons why your puppy suddenly becomes a whirlwind in your formerly peaceful family room. And I’ll explain what you should do in response.

Puppy Crazy At Night - white puppy lying down in bed with toy in paws.

My Aussie mix Millie routinely zips around the room late at night. And my Lhasa apso Ralphie joins in the fun. 

Bouncing around, jumping from couch to chair and running like race cars on track, they have wild looks in their eyes and opened mouths, smiling

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How Long Can a Dog Go Without Water?

Can dogs live without water? A dog can go without drinking water for just 24 hours. After that period, he will become dehydrated without fluids, and if he continues without eating or drinking, the consequences could be fatal. Here you can read an article about how much water a dog needs to drink per day?

The non-intake of liquids can lead to severe problems in pets. For example, liver failure, since the liver is very delicate and is one of the first organs to feel the consequences of not drinking liquids.

Along with the liver, the kidneys are also key to fluid intake. Kidney problems vary and can include kidney stones, kidney failure, urinary tract problems… kidney-type conditions, once discovered, requiring meticulous lifelong treatment. 

If your dog does not drink water, it can be due to multiple causes, most of which are easily detectable. The dog may have a

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Back in the Barn – A Touching Short Story for Cat Lovers

“Well hello there.”

Photo by Laurence Lagasse

There’s a lady looking down at me while I lie here curled up in this blue bin on her back porch.  She doesn’t realize at first glance that I’m badly injured.  I was hit by a car two days ago.

I look up and manage to purr a little, but now I’m dozing off again, wriggling to get comfortable in the bin while my mind drifts from present to past.

I was born a year ago, one of a litter of three.  Our mother was a barn cat who lived near here – or I think near here – I’ve lost track of how far I’ve traveled.

Mom worked hard to create a home for us in a box in the corner of the barn.  She played with us every day, and she’d let us venture as far from the box as our

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