Dog Muzzles, how to choose and fit one is a basic skill every dog family must master. We tend to think of dog muzzles as an uncomfortable contraption or even punishment for our dogs!

In fact a muzzle may be your dog or pups best friend when they are ill or injured or simply on their daily walk! The muzzle is a must have in every pet family’s pet care kit. In fact, even if your puppy does not need a muzzle, introduce the it to them when they are young. Make the muzzle their friend – as a general rule it is in your dog’s best interest to be familiar with as wide a range as possible of medical/ accessory equipments.

This best practice makes it easy for your dog and you in the unlikely event of injury or illness and that frantic dash to the vet’s office!


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How to Choose Brand Fonts for Your Small Pet Business

Brand fonts are an important part of any business branding. They can help convey the right message to your audience and make your brand stand out.

Some fonts are more memorable, while others are more readable. Fonts also have different connotations and meanings,  so finding a professional font for your business is essential to creating a successful brand identity. 

person typing on keyboard pin | How to Choose Brand Fonts for Your Small Pet Business

Why Are Fonts Important In Branding? 

While color is one of the most influential elements when it comes to marketing, fonts are the driving force of your brand’s visual personality. When selecting your font, you will want to consider your company values and the message you want to convey.  Every single font has its own personality. Some are classic and timeless while others are edgy and modern.

Making sure that your font is readable and easy to read for all of your customers will help your marketing efforts and convey the

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Finding Comfort Amid Sadness | Beth’s Blog

Apple, the first cat we adopted from NSALA, underwent surgery to remove her mammary chain filled with cancer. She lived only a couple of months more. Leon Bear had a mass on his liver and didn’t survive the surgery. Charlie Chunk had a cancerous mass in his abdomen. He died a week after surgery.

And now Yoda. In his lungs.

Given our experience, Howard and I decided that surgery for Yoda with pre-existing heart disease would be too risky. After much thought and consideration and numerous conversations with specialists, we’ve chosen to continue comfort care at home. We will look for any signs from Yoda of distress or discomfort and give him the gift of ending any suffering. It’s gut-wrenching.

According to Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine Feline Health Center, here are some signs of cancer to watch for:

  • behavior changes like hiding
  • abnormal swelling
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Top 5 ways to properly care for your senior pet

A senior cat or dog needs a different level of care than when they were young. The older your pet gets the more they’ll show signs of aging like arthritis, muscle loss, loss of hearing and eyesight, weight gain or loss, lethargy and more. Luckily, there are five things you can do regularly to help your beloved senior pet age comfortably and with ease.

The first step is to stay on top of your senior pets’: 

1) Veterinary Care

No matter your pet’s age, you should be taking them for regular veterinary check-ups to ensure they are healthy in every way. However, the older your pet gets, the more important these regular check-ups become because older animals are more prone to developing hormonal diseases, cancer, diabetes and so much more. 

Getting your senior pet evaluated by a vet at least once a year can help rule out any serious health

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How Long Do Toy Poodles Live? (+Tips For A Healthy Pup)

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If you are looking for a new dog and the toy poodle has caught your eye with its adorable head tilts, then you may be wondering: how long do toy poodles live?

Fortunately, as a small dog breed, the toy poodle has an impressive lifespan of 15 to 18 years.

With excellent care and a bit of genetic luck, a toy poodle can sometimes live for up to 22 years old.

There are a number of factors that can contribute to that excellent care, such as good nutrition, consistent grooming, and plenty of exercise.

How Long Do Toy Poodles Live

Unfortunately, on the flip side of the lifespan coin, there are also a number of factors that can shorten your toy poodle’s lifespan, such as a poor diet, neglect, breed-specific health concerns, and poor quality care in

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