Can Hamsters Eat Kale? – Vet Explains Pets

You are here because you want to know – can hamsters eat kale? Hamsters can have kale as a snack – but please read on as to 1. how much, 2. how often, and 3. how to prepare the kale before serving it to your hamster!

green kale leaves on white paper background

Hamsters are omnivores, eating both plant material and animal materials. 

In captivity, hamsters typically have a diet that consists of items such as hamster pellets, hay, grains and nuts, and fruits and vegetables, to name a few foods. 

No matter what you and your veterinarian decide is the best diet for your hamster, make sure that it is balanced for your hamsters lifestyle.

orange hamster peeking out of hamster cage

What Do Hamsters Typically Eat?

These little buddies eat an assortment of things to keep them healthy and happy.

  • High-quality hamster food and Timothy hay should be the main staples of their diet.
  • Up to about 10% of their
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