How To Fit A Harness For Your Dog

The fit of your dog’s harness is really important, because a poorly fitted harness can be as problematic as a collar, or worse.


Like a pair of shoes, the fit of a harness must be right for the safety and security of your dog! But unlike a pair of shoes that might pinch and rub and give you blisters, a poorly fitted harness? Could result in chaffing, pinching, sure, but also an escaped dog.

Yet, I see it a lot! Where there’s a great big, gaping chest strap, or a pinch under the arms. And so, I feel like it’s time we had a quick lesson in appropriately fitting a harness for our dogs!

So let’s take a look at your dog’s harness, guide you through the types of harness, and find the right size harness for your furry friend.

What Is A Harness?

A harness is a containment

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Dog Muzzles, how to choose and fit one is a basic skill every dog family must master. We tend to think of dog muzzles as an uncomfortable contraption or even punishment for our dogs!

In fact a muzzle may be your dog or pups best friend when they are ill or injured or simply on their daily walk! The muzzle is a must have in every pet family’s pet care kit. In fact, even if your puppy does not need a muzzle, introduce the it to them when they are young. Make the muzzle their friend – as a general rule it is in your dog’s best interest to be familiar with as wide a range as possible of medical/ accessory equipments.

This best practice makes it easy for your dog and you in the unlikely event of injury or illness and that frantic dash to the vet’s office!


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