When Science Kills Hope

I have never dreamed of flying through space. I have never yearned to travel faster than the speed of light. I’m not impressed by sightings of UFOs or the prospect of meeting aliens. I’m not interested in altering the genomes of any of my offspring. I’m not interested in refusing to age or refusing to die. I’m writing this on an excellent computer, but I’m not sure that I enjoy my computer any more than I used to enjoy the effect of a newly sharpened pencil on a crisp white sheet of paper, or the feel of making my way through the smooth pages of a mammoth encyclopaedia, or the fun of recording favourite songs off the radio onto a stuttering cassette tape or viewing a classic movie on a flickering, whirring VHS bought at a car boot sale. The fact is, progress is ambivalent, it’s not always 100% good … Read more

Religion, Arts and Science – Why Branches of the Same Tree?

All human creations can be divided broadly into three categories i.e. science, religion and arts. Initially, art referred to any human skill or mastery. However during the romantic period, art was separated from the other two main branches of human creation i.e. science and religion. Arts, science and religion are now considered as different specializations that have nothing in common.

Albert Einstein said “All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. ” Yet we don’t know why? After all, religion is based on faith needing no evidence. Science is based on fact that has to be proven by evidence. Art relates to human emotion and requires neither faith nor evidence as we know it is a fiction or an object created purely from the imagination of a human mind.

Art: An Imagination that needs emotional evidence

It is extremely difficult to define art. Art is, fortunately, a … Read more

Science Fair Projects to Make Everybody Happy

Science fair projects – Kids think they should be fun. Teachers think they should be educational. Parents just want them to be fast and easy. Since students, teachers and parents are all involved in the process of getting ready for the science fair, most of the time, science projects have to be all of the above!

As a result, finding the perfect science fair project can be difficult. Here are five steps to finding a project that will make everybody happy.

1. Know what kind of science project is required. There are five kinds of projects, and many a student has had their project idea rejected because of a science technicality. Make sure you know if the science teacher requires an experimental (investigatory) project, a demonstration of a science principle, a report on a subject in science, a collection of items, or a scientific model. Most science fairs require an … Read more

Two Science-Art Philosophies – Utopia or Oblivion?

A warning to the reader: This article argues that modern science has been turned upside down, revealing the remedy to Steven Hawking’s observation that the greatest mistake humanity has ever made was to invent artificial intelligence. The correction to that mistake necessitates an up-to-date familiarity with Buckminster Fuller and C P Snow’s third culture, in which human survival is about gaining a new perspective on the unification of Science with Art.

Rather than this new perspective constituting an attack upon science, it draws attention to the crucial importance of Fuller and Snow’s synergistic Science-Art concepts. The effort to place those concepts within the perspective associated with very recent, crucial scientific discoveries, will allow for a better understanding of the nature of reality, in particular, relevant to carcinogenic growth and development.

The Feb-Mar 2016 issue of Philosophy Now contained an article by Magdalena Scholle about how the philosopher, Nietzsche, inspired Dali. … Read more

The Planet Venus is the Light-weight Bringer and the Story Powering the Slide of “Satan” in Isaiah 14

If I at any time read an Aged Testament tale once, I have read this 1 advised 10 thousand moments. It will come from Isaiah 14.

12 “How artwork thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou lower down to the floor, which didst weaken the nations!

13 For thou hast explained in thine coronary heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also on the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

14 I will ascend earlier mentioned the heights of the clouds I will be like the most High.

15 Nevertheless thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

16 They that see thee shall narrowly seem upon thee, and think about thee, declaring, Is this the gentleman that designed the earth to tremble, … Read more